Hospice of Michigan Receives Bee Green Business Certification for Recycling Efforts At Detroit Office

Detroit, May 21, 2015 – Hospice of Michigan today announced that its Brush Park office in downtown Detroit is a newly certified Bee Green Business.

HOM recently established an internal committee aimed at creating a more environmentally friendly space through recycling at the Brush Park office, which serves as the organization’s headquarters. The committee’s efforts led to HOM’s participation in the Bee Green Business program, launched by the nonprofit organization Green Living Science.

“Recycling is a good first step to being green,” said Alison Wagner, volunteer program manager. “We feel strongly that we should be good stewards of our resources and our environment – and we appreciate the collaborative spirit at Hospice of Michigan around this commitment.”

HOM established a Green Team to implement the recycling program. Staff received a recycling container for their office to collect cardboard, metal, glass and plastic. Containers are emptied at one of three recycling collection stations located throughout the Brush Park office.

“In addition to the recycling program, HOM’s Green Team is working to promote sustainable business practices by identifying and sharing innovative methods and encouraging staff to incorporate green practices,” said Jennifer Ehrhardt, administrative fellow and organizer of the Green Team. “The partnership with the Green Team and Green Living Science has already been yielding results.”

Green Living Science is dedicated to teaching recycling and environmental education in the city of Detroit and is recognized by the Michigan Recycling Coalition. Bee Green Business is an education and certification program that helps businesses and their employees become responsible corporate citizens. As one of more than 50,000 businesses and nonprofit organizations in Detroit, HOM is leading the way to a more sustainable Detroit.

“We at Green Living Science are excited to see local businesses continue to work toward sustainability in the workplace in order to improve their community,” said Rachel Klegon, executive director of Green Living Science. “Through this program, more organizations can meet their goals while helping Detroit tackle the unsustainable trash problem we have in the city.”

In addition to being certified, HOM will be recognized on signs at Recycle Here!, the city of Detroit’s official recycling drop-off facility, on the Green Living Science website and in its Annual Report and on the Michigan Recycling Coalition’s website. Additionally, all participants are invited to a year-end celebration recognizing all the businesses dedicated to being green.

Bee Green Business began in 2014, and Klegon hopes to expand the program to more businesses that want to recycle and practice waste reduction.

About Hospice of Michigan
A nationally recognized leader in end-of-life care, Hospice of Michigan is the original – and largest – hospice in the state. The nonprofit cares for more than 1,700 patients each day, raising more than $4 million each year to cover the cost of care for the uninsured and underinsured. HOM offers a broad range of services to enhance the quality of life at the end of life, including At Home Support™, our advanced illness management program, community-based palliative care and pediatric care programs. HOM provides grief support and counseling, caregiver education and support, and education programs for physicians and health care professionals through its research, training and education arm, the Hospice of Michigan Institute. For more information, call 888.247.5701 or visit www.hom.org.

About Green Living Science
Green Living Science is dedicated to increasing awareness of environmental issues and personal responsibility through education. Our mission is to encourage understanding of our reliance on our environment, our impact, and the importance of individual decision-making.
